La cantautrice britannica di fama internazionale Emeli Sandé condivide il brano “Oxygen”, nuova traccia estratta dal nuovo disco di inediti dal titolo Let’s say for instance, in uscita il 6 maggio via Chrysalis Records che mette in luce il lato più vulnerabile del suo cantautorato.

Emeli ha affermato sulla canzone: “When it comes to making songs about love, I don’t worry about oversharing too much. Even if there’s no lyric in it, I think to make the most beautiful and powerful music, you have to let go and be honest. I wrote ‘Oxygen’ in LA, the sun was shining, and I’d just met this new producer called F A L L E N, who played me the beat. Already, a mood was created; I loved how sparse-yet-deep it is, how it allows those very raw emotions to come forth. In life, I can be quite reserved; Unless I really trust somebody, I’m not going to be super open and tell them how I feel. But with music, it’s the complete opposite. I need to just let it all spill out and see what it is. With anything that I’m doing, whether that be making a song or being in love, I just, it needs to be all or nothing, and that’s what I wanted ‘Oxygen’ to be. My family think I’ma little bit extreme sometimes but I think that whatever you dedicate yourself to, you have to fully go for it.”.

Let’s Say For Instance, la sua prima uscita su un’etichetta indipendente, segna, dopo un decennio passato tra palchi e radio, una nuova era del grande talento di Emeli.

Esplorando un nuovo territorio musicale attraverso suoni caratterizzati da sfumature di musica classica, disco, nostalgico R&B e altro ancora, Emeli si libera dalle aspettative, mettendo in mostra le sue capacità olistiche di cantautrice, produttrice e interprete in un modo nuovo e incredibilmente versatile. Insomma, “an ode to resilience, rebirth, and renewal”, come lei stessa afferma.

L’album è stato anticipato dalla hit “Brighter Days” e dai precedenti singoli “Look what you’ve done” e “Family”.